Sane Game (A Satirical Non-Satirical Poem)

Here is the recipe of the 21st century
to be sane in a world full of pain
post a lot on a virtual reality world named internet
go out a lot
post a lot
post about going out a lot
gather friends
post a lot
post about having friends a lot
worship botched-up, narcissistic celebrities
the ones others are also worshipping
be crazy and die yourself for them
for being crazy is getting more tolerated
play the game everybody is playing
and be as indistinguishable as possible
be like everybody else, be boring, who cares?
that’s the only way you’d make money
be approachable, fun, but also robotic
put a happy grin and a bunch of mantras on your face
be as fake as possible, they love it
immerse yourself in shallow materials and shallow people
and be as dumb as you can
Most importantly: be a narcissist
think about yourself a lot
think that the world revolves around you
think that you are always on the right side
eat the bullshit
eat every bullshit
brag about eating bullshit
they love it.